Regional Sustainability ›› 2020, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (1): 59-67.doi: 10.1016/j.regsus.2020.09.001
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Huihui Caoa, Guanghui Donga,b,*()
Guanghui Dong
Huihui Cao, Guanghui Dong. Social development and living environment changes in the Northeast Tibetan Plateau and contiguous regions during the late prehistoric period[J]. Regional Sustainability, 2020, 1(1): 59-67.
Fig. 2.
Spatiotemporal patterns of animal and plant assemblages (i.e., percentages number of identified specimens) from prehistoric sites in the NEPT and NETP-CR during ~15,000-5000 BP (a), 5500-4000 BP (b), and 4000-2200 BP (c). BP, years before present; YNG, Yeniugou; JXG, Jiangxigou; 151, Yaowuyao; LYH, Layihai; XCY, Xichengyi; MZZ, Mozuizi; SNSZ, Shannashuzha; ADQH, Andaqiha; ZR, Zongri; MZS, Mazongshan; HSG, Huoshaogou; GGY, Ganguya; DHS, Donghuishan; JCK, Jinchankou; DHZ, Dahezhuang; LJP, Lijiaping; QJP, Qijiaping; XS, Xishan; BY, Bayan; GG, Gagai; LS, Longshan; KLSSW, Kalashishuwan; TLTLH, Talitaliha; TWDLH, Tawendaliha; XRYMKB, Xiariyamakebu."
Fig. 3.
Assemblages of plant and animal remains unearthed from prehistoric sites and the number of dated sites in the NETP and NETP-CR compared to climate records. (a), pollen-based mean July temperature reconstruction from Xingyun Lake (Wu et al., 2018); (b), δ18O record of the Asian monsoon strength from Dongge Cave stalagmites (Dykoski et al., 2005); (c), total charcoal concentrations (CC) from the Gonghe Basin (Miao et al., 2017); (d), tree pollen percentage in the Qinghai Lake (Shen et al., 2005); (e), the number of dated sites every 500 yr in the NETP-CR during 15,000-2000 BP; (f), assemblages of animal and plant remains identified from prehistoric sites below and above 2500 m a.s.l. in the NETP-CR. The total number identified is marked at the top of each pie chart, N/A (not available) means there is only composition ratio and no specific number in the original literature."
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