Regional Sustainability ›› 2023, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (4): 378-389.doi: 10.1016/j.regsus.2023.11.001cstr: 32279.14.j.regsus.2023.11.001
• Full Length Article • Previous Articles Next Articles
Ashma SUBEDI, Nani RAUT*(), Smriti GURUNG
* E-mail address: (N. RAUT).Ashma SUBEDI, Nani RAUT, Smriti GURUNG. How Himalayan communities are changing cultivation practices in the context of climate change[J]. Regional Sustainability, 2023, 4(4): 378-389.
Table 1
Change rate of cereal crop yield during different periods in Lamjung District."
Cereal crop | Period | Change rate (%) |
Maize | 2008-2018 | 36.0 |
2003-2018 | 41.0 | |
Wheat | 2008-2018 | 32.0 |
2003-2018 | -59.0 | |
Millet | 2008-2018 | -1.0 |
2003-2018 | 1.5 | |
Cardamom | 2008-2018 | 71.0 |
2003-2018 | -43.0 | |
Rice | 2008-2018 | 25.0 |
2003-2018 | 48.0 |
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