
    Regional Sustainability receives a high mark in 2022 Scopus CiteScore

  • Elsevier recently unveiled the highly anticipated 2022 Scopus CiteScoreTM. Regional Sustainability, an international English journal sponsored by Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, has achieved a high score of 3.7 points. This CiteScoreTM represents a surge of 164% compared to its 2021 score of 1.4. Regional Sustainability now hold an impressive position, ranking the 61st among 261 journals in the Urban Studies category, 215th among 779 journals in the Geography, Planning and Development category, and 132nd among 235 journals in the Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment category.

    Scopus is the world’s largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature worldwide, encompassing over 28,100 publications from a vast array of sources, including scientific journals, books, and conference proceedings. With contributions from over 7,000 publishers, Scopus spans numerous disciplines, including mathematics, physics, biology, life sciences, earth and environmental sciences, materials, engineering technology, humanities, and arts, among others.

    CiteScoreTM from Scopus metrics offer a comprehensive, transparent, up-to-date, and freely accessible assessment of serial titles. CiteScoreTM 2022 calculates the citation impact of a journal based on the number of citations it received from 2019 to 2022 across five peer-reviewed document types, namely articles, reviews, conference papers, data papers, and book chapters. This score is then divided by the total number of peer-reviewed documents indexed in Scopus and published within the same four-year period.

    Regional Sustainability is an international, peer-reviewed and open access journal dedicated to publishing high-quality articles in a wide range of multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary subjects pertaining to sustainability. The journal plays a crucial role in advancing our understanding of the various dimensions of sustainability, including environmental protection, economic development, and social development. It publishes theoretical and experimental research papers on resource development and utilization, biodiversity conservation, ecosystem function and services, climate change, urbanization and informatization, population migration, social transformation, agriculture and food security, green economy, new energy development, and other topics related to sustainability. Launched in October 2020, Regional Sustainability has been indexed by the Scopus, DOAJ, GEOBASE, EBSCO, CABI, CNKI, etc.

    We sincerely welcome researchers from around the globe to make valuable contributions to our journal.

  • Pubdate: 2023-06-12    Viewed: 623