Call for Papers

    Special Issue: Climate change and regional water resources response in arid areas
  • Context

    Climate change has led to the frequent occurrence of extreme weather and climate events, as well as the increasing frequency of extreme hydrological events, which brings new challenges to arid areas constrained by water resources. In-depth understanding of the impact of climate change, especially extreme climate events, on water resources in arid areas is not only a hot scientific issue in current climate change research, but also a realistic demand for rational allocation and utilization of water resources in arid areas.

    In recent decades, under the influence of global warming and human activities, the weather, climate and hydrological processes in arid areas have undergone dramatic changes, resulting in frequent occurrence of drought, rainstorm, snowstorm and other extreme weather events, which increased the uncertainties of the spatial and temporal distributions of precipitation, and led to the drying up of lakes. A series of water-related ecological environment problems such as river interruption and wetland atrophy have troubled the sustainable economic and social development of inland river basins in arid areas. Although the impact of climate change on hydrological events has received extensive attention, there is a lack of comprehensive mechanism explanation on key issues, such as how climate change affects hydrological processes, how hydrological processes respond to weather and climate, and what are the impacts of future climate change on surface runoff, groundwater and total water resources in river basins.

    This special issue focuses on the actual demand of coping with climate change in arid areas, and provides scientific reference for long-term water resources regulation planning and coping strategy formulation for climate change in arid areas.

    About the Regional Sustainability

    Regional Sustainability is an international peer-reviewed open access journal publishing high-quality articles in multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary subjects relating to sustainability. The journal advances our understanding of the sustainability dimensions of environmental protection, economic development and social development from local to global scales. It publishes theoretical and experimental research papers on resources exploitation and utilization, urbanization and regional sustainable development, urbanization and informatization, man-land relationship and regional differential, population migration and society transformation, and spatial layout and optimization of human activity.

    Regional Sustainability provides a platform for researchers to explore the relationships among environment, economy and society. The journal publishes research that works towards the goal of achieving human-ecosystem equilibrium in which the exploitation of resources and the orientation of development are in harmony and do not destroy or degrade the natural environment.

    Topics of the Special Issue

    The topics of articles include but are not limited to the following:

       I.  High resolution future projection simulations of climate change and water resources under different emission scenarios

       II.  Responses and potential risks of hydrological processes to climate change

       III.  Sustainable management and utilization of regional water resources under the background of climate change

    Guest Editor Team

    Prof. Dr. LIU Dongwei, School of Ecology and Environment, Inner Mongolia University, China (E-mail:

    Dr. XUN Xueyi, School of Ecology and Environment, Inner Mongolia University, China (E-mail:

    Dr. Wang Haibing, College of Desert Control Science and Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, China (E-mail:

    Submission of Full Paper

        Please carefully read and follow the instructions for authors which you may find online at

        Before submitting your paper, you will need to create a user account and then submit all relevant files online at

        Manuscripts can be submitted during the following time frame:

    OPENING: 25 May 2022

    DEADLINE: 31 December 2022


    Editorial Office of Regional Sustainability

    Address: Building 45-404, Beijing Road 818, Urumqi 830011, China

    Tel: +86-991-7827334

    Fax: +86-991-7827335


    Journal's Details

    Type: Gold Open Access online at ScienceDirect and Print

    Publication Fees: APC free for the authors

    Indexing: Scopus, DOAJ, GEOBASE, CNKI, etc.

    Detailed information about published articles, aims and scope, and editorial board can be checked at this journal website:

  • Pubdate: 2022-05-24    Viewed: 793