Call for Papers

    Special Issue: Ecosystem services and regional sustainability
  • Context

    Ecosystem contributes to human wellbeing in many ways. It not only provides food, medicine and other production and living materials for human beings, but more importantly, maintains the life support system on which human beings depend for survival. Ecosystem services refer to all the benefits human beings receive from the ecosystem, including supply services, regulatory services, cultural services and support services. In many cases, ecosystem services are under threat due to the multiple impacts including climate change, land use/land cover change, ecosystem degradation and so on. In the context of environmental degradation, climate change, overconsumption, population explosion, etc., knowledge on ecosystem services will helpful in achieving the regional sustainability, which is a long-lasting subject related with not only environment, but also economy and society.

    About the Regional Sustainability

    Regional Sustainability is an international peer-reviewed open access journal publishing high-quality articles in multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary subjects relating to sustainability. The journal advances our understanding of the sustainability dimensions of environmental protection, economic development and social development from local to global scales. It publishes theoretical and experimental research papers on resources exploitation and utilization, urbanization and regional sustainable development, urbanization and informatization, man-land relationship and regional differential, population migration and society transformation, and spatial layout and optimization of human activity.

    Regional Sustainability provides a platform for researchers to explore the relationships among environment, economy and society. The journal publishes research that works towards the goal of achieving human-ecosystem equilibrium in which the exploitation of resources and the orientation of development are in harmony and do not destroy or degrade the natural environment.

    Topics of the Special Issue

    The topics of articles include but are not limited to the following:

        (1) Ecosystem services and sustainable development

        (2) Impact of land use/land cover changes on ecosystem services

        (3) Impact of climate change on ecosystem services

        (4) Ecosystem services and ecological security

     Submission of Full Paper

        Please carefully read and follow the instructions for authors which you may find online at

        Before submitting your paper, you will need to create a user account and then submit all relevant files online at

        Manuscripts can be submitted during the following time frame:

    OPENING: 15 May 2022

    DEADLINE: 31 October 2022


    Editorial Office of Regional Sustainability

    Address: Building 45-404, Beijing Road 818, Urumqi 830011, China

    Tel: +86-991-7827334

    Fax: +86-991-7827335


  • Pubdate: 2022-05-24    Viewed: 857