Regional Sustainability ›› 2024, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (4): 100183.doi: 10.1016/j.regsus.2024.100183cstr: 32279.14.REGSUS.2024010
• Full Length Article • Previous Articles
Muhammad RENDANAa,b, Wan Mohd Razi IDRISc,*(), Febrinasti ALIAd, Supli Effendi RAHIMe, Muhammad YAMINf, Muhammad IZZUDINg
Wan Mohd Razi IDRIS
Muhammad RENDANA, Wan Mohd Razi IDRIS, Febrinasti ALIA, Supli Effendi RAHIM, Muhammad YAMIN, Muhammad IZZUDIN. Relationship between drought and soil erosion based on the normalized differential water index (NDWI) and revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) model[J]. Regional Sustainability, 2024, 5(4): 100183.
Table 1
Data used for estimating soil erosion and drought in this study."
Data type | Raw data | Time | Source of data | Preprocessing step |
Rainfall | Climate parameter | November 2021 | Department of Meteorology, Malaysia | Using Excel to tab delimited format conversion |
Elevation | SRTM DEM | November 2021 | USGS Earth Explorer | Reprojected coordinate system and clipping the AOI |
Soil type | Soil classification | November 2021 | Department of Irrigation and Drainage, Malaysia | Attribute table entry for soil characteristic |
Slope | SRTM DEM | November 2021 | USGS Earth Explorer | Reprojected coordinate system and clipping the AOI |
NDWI | Landsat 8 OLI | November 2021 | USGS Earth Explorer | Atmospheric correction and clipping the AOI |
Land cover | Landsat 8 OLI | November 2021 | USGS Earth Explorer | Atmospheric correction and clipping the AOI |
Table 2
Value of soil erodibility (K) factor for various soil series in the study area."
Soil series | Soil classification | Value of K factor (t•hm2•h/(hm2•MJ•mm)) | Soil series | Soil classification | Value of K factor (t•hm2•h/(hm2•MJ•mm)) |
Serdang-Kedah | Acrisols | 0.036 | Selangor-Kangkong | Dystric cambisols | 0.051 |
Serdang-Bungor-Munchong | Acrisols | 0.038 | Telemong-Akob-Local alluvium | Dystric cambisols | 0.051 |
Munchong-Serembang | Plinthic acrisols | 0.039 | Peat | Histosols | 0.040 |
Prang | Ferrasols | 0.040 | Urban land | 0.042 | |
Rengam-Jerangau | Acrisols | 0.043 | Steep land | 0.042 | |
Gajah Mati-Munchong-Malacca | Ferric acrisols | 0.051 | Mined land | 0.042 | |
Kranji | Thionic gleysols | 0.051 |
Table 3
Value of land cover management (C) factor for diverse land cover types in the study area."
Land cover type | Value of C factor | Land cover type | Value of C factor | Land cover type | Value of C factor |
Water body | 0.0000 | Settlement | 0.0020 | Agricultural land | 0.2800 |
Vegetation | 0.0008 | Bare land | 0.1300 |
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