Regional Sustainability ›› 2022, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (4): 373-390.doi: 10.1016/j.regsus.2022.11.005
• Full Length Article • Previous Articles
Sunil SAHA, Debabrata SARKAR, Prolay MONDAL*()
Sunil SAHA, Debabrata SARKAR, Prolay MONDAL. Assessing and mapping soil erosion risk zone in Ratlam District, central India[J]. Regional Sustainability, 2022, 3(4): 373-390.
Table 1
Description of data used in this study."
Data type | Resolution | Data source | |
LULC | 30 m | Landsat 8 Bands ( date: 2013-03-18T15:58:14Z-2022-09-24T14:54:39; acquisition date: 15/09/2021) | |
NDVI | 30 m | ||
Geomorphology | Geological Survey of India ( | ||
DEM (aspect, slope, elevation, flow accumulation, stream density, SPI, flow direction, TWI) | Resolution resample | 30 m | Alaska Data Portal ( |
Rainfall (mm) | 30 m | Center for Hydrometeorology and Remote Sensing (CHRS) Data Portal ( | |
Distance from river (km) | - | Google Earth pro software | |
Sand (%) | 30 m | Soil Grid Data Portal ( | |
Silt (%) | 30 m | ||
Clay (%) | 30 m | ||
SOC (%) | 30 m |
Fig. 2.
Flow diagram of the whole study. DEM, Digital Elevation Model; A, annual average soil erosion; R, rainfall erosivity; K, soil erodibility; LS, length of the slope and steepness; C, land cove and management; P, support practisepractice; SOC, soil organic carbon; NDVI, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index; LULC, land use and land cover; RUSLE, Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation; AHP, Analytic Hierarchy Process; TWI, Topographic Wetness Index; SPI, Stream Power Index; REP tree, Reduced Error Pruning tree."
Table 5
Area distribution of RUSLE factors (rainfall erosivity (R), soil erodibility (K), slope length steepness (LS), land cover and management (C), and support practice (P) factors) in different classes (based on natural break)."
R factor | K factor | LS factor | ||||||
Class (MJ·mm/(hm2·h·a)) | Area (km2) | Percentage (%) | Class (×10-3 kg·h·MJ/mm) | Area (km2) | Percentage (%) | Class | Area (km2) | Percentage (%) |
432-500 | 442.02 | 9.09 | 0.10-0.15 | 283.88 | 5.84 | <0.52 | 3154.89 | 64.90 |
500-550 | 643.91 | 13.25 | 0.15-0.25 | 2733.34 | 56.23 | 0.52-2.40 | 421.48 | 8.67 |
550-600 | 713.84 | 14.69 | 0.25-0.30 | 292.15 | 6.01 | 2.40-6.80 | 651.48 | 13.40 |
600-650 | 1713.84 | 35.26 | 0.30-0.40 | 195.90 | 4.03 | 6.80-40.00 | 448.15 | 9.22 |
650-750 | 1347.39 | 27.72 | >0.40 | 1355.73 | 27.89 | 40.00-98.88 | 207.35 | 4.27 |
C factor | P factor | |||||||
Class | Area (km2) | Percentage (%) | Class | Area (km2) | Percentage (%) | |||
0.02-0.04 | 212.89 | 4.38 | <0.50 | 783.59 | 16.12 | |||
0.04-0.050 | 731.60 | 15.05 | 0.50-0.80 | 1172.47 | 24.12 | |||
0.05-0.08 | 1394.03 | 28.68 | 0.80-0.90 | 390.82 | 8.04 | |||
0.08-0.50 | 1532.21 | 31.52 | 0.90-1.00 | 2514.11 | 51.72 | |||
0.50-1.00 | 990.27 | 20.37 | - | - | - |
Fig. 4.
Spatial distribution of the selected variables and meteorological station for the evaluation of soil erosion risk zone. (a), aspect; (b), slope; (c), elevation; (d), TWI; (e), stream density; (f), SPI; (g), NDVI; (h), distance from river; (i), rainfall; (j), flow accumulation; (k), flow direction; (l), geomorphology; (m), LULC; (n), sand; (o), silt; (p), clay; (q), SOC; (r), sample point."
Table 7
Area distribution of different soil erosion risk zones using different techniques."
Technique | Class of zone | Area (km2) | Percentage (%) | Accuracy | Kappa coefficient |
RUSLE | Zone I | 1177.15 | 24.22 | 0.779 | 0.723 |
Zone II | 959.43 | 19.74 | |||
Zone III | 910.21 | 18.72 | |||
Zone-IV | 1092.55 | 22.48 | |||
Zone V | 721.66 | 14.85 | |||
AHP | Zone I | 1381.72 | 28.42 | 0.788 | 0.736 |
Zone II | 1139.45 | 23.44 | |||
Zone III | 1168.47 | 24.04 | |||
Zone IV | 636.90 | 13.10 | |||
Zone V | 534.46 | 10.99 | |||
Random Forest | Zone I | 50.63 | 1.04 | 0.808 | 0.760 |
Zone II | 1686.27 | 34.69 | |||
Zone III | 2682.64 | 55.19 | |||
Zone IV | 410.98 | 8.45 | |||
Zone V | 30.48 | 0.63 | |||
REP tree | Zone I | 254.27 | 5.23 | 0.788 | 0.735 |
Zone II | 1399.86 | 28.80 | |||
Zone III | 2379.94 | 48.96 | |||
Zone IV | 663.44 | 13.65 | |||
Zone V | 163.49 | 3.36 | |||
Average soil erosion risk zone | Zone I | 715.94 | 14.73 | 0.798 | 0.748 |
Zone II | 1296.25 | 26.67 | |||
Zone III | 1785.32 | 36.73 | |||
Zone IV | 700.97 | 14.42 | |||
Zone V | 362.52 | 7.46 |
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