Regional Sustainability ›› 2024, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (1): 100113.doi: 10.1016/j.regsus.2024.03.007cstr: 32279.14.j.regsus.2024.03.007

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Socio-economic vulnerability level in the Jeneberang watershed in Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia

Andi Rachmat ARFADLYa,*(), Hazairin ZUBAIRb, MAHYUDDINb, Andang Suryana SOMAb   

  1. aGraduate School, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, 90245, Indonesia
    bFaculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, 90245, Indonesia
  • Received:2023-01-29 Accepted:2024-03-04 Published:2024-03-30 Online:2024-04-30
  • Contact: E-mail address: (Andi Rachmat ARFADLY).


Jeneberang watershed is vital, particularly for people living in Gowa Regency (South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia), who benefit from its many advantages. Landslides and floods occur every year in the Jeneberang watershed, so it is imperative to understand the socio-economic vulnerability of this region. This research aims to identify the vulnerability level of the Jeneberang watershed so that the government can prioritize areas with high vulnerability level and formulate effective strategies to reduce these the vulnerability. Specifically, this study was conducted in 12 districts located in the Jeneberang watershed. The primary data were collected from questionnaires completed by community members, community leaders, and various stakeholders, and the secondary data were from the Landsat satellite imagery in 2020, the Badan Push Statistic of Gowa Regency, and some governmental agencies. The socio-economic vulnerability variables were determined using the Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) method, and each variable was weighted and analyzed using the Geographical Information System (GIS). The study reveals that the levels of socio-economic vulnerability are affected by variables such as population density, vulnerable groups (disabled people, elderly people, and young people), road network and settlement, percentage of poor people, and productive land area in the Jeneberang watershed. Moreover, all of the 12 districts in the Jeneberang watershed are included in the medium vulnerability level, with the mean percentage of socio-economic vulnerability around 50.92%. The socio-economic vulnerability of Bajeng, Pallangga, and Somba Opu districts is categorized at high level, the socio-economic vulnerability of Bungaya, Parangloe, and Tombolo Pao districts is classified as medium level, and the remaining 6 districts (Barombong, Bontolempangan, Bontomarannu, Manuju, Parigi, and Tinggimoncong) are ranked as low socio-economic vulnerability. This study can help policy-makers to formulate strategy that contributes to the protection of biodiversity and sustainable development of the Jeneberang watershed, while improving disaster resilience and preparedness of the watershed.

Key words: Socio vulnerability, Economic, Vulnerability, Population density, Vulnerable groups, Road network and settlement, Productive land area, Jeneberang watershed