Regional Sustainability ›› 2024, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (4): 100175.doi: 10.1016/j.regsus.2024.100175cstr: 32279.14.REGSUS.2024002
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Hugo PINTOa,b,c,*(), Manuel LARANJAd, Elvira UYARRAe
Hugo PINTO, Manuel LARANJA, Elvira UYARRA. Smart specialization, public authorities, and innovation intermediaries in developing regions[J]. Regional Sustainability, 2024, 5(4): 100175.
Table 1
Phases of the Regional Innovation Systems in the State of Pernambuco (Brazil) (RIS3-PE) project and key learnings."
Main step | Key learnings | Reference |
Selection of priority areas | This was completed in the end of phase 1. An ex-ante selection of sectors with the defect of not having a real participatory process with a bottom-up component, generating sectors and not real priorities of productive activities. | Pinto et al. ( |
Assessment of systemic innovation failures | Myriad failures were present, but actors demonstrated a preoccupation with the role of the state and public policy. | Nogueira and Pinto ( |
An initial reflection on the governance model | Defining a governance model appropriate to the context was difficult. The proposed model replicated European experience, but was not implemented, even though some aspects of participation were already in place. | Laranja and Pinto ( |
Evaluation of innovation needs and potential of strategic players in the selected priority areas | The questionnaires revealed important needs in terms of access to knowledge, in particular in companies from the clothing sector. | D’Emery et al. ( |
Co-creation sessions for the definition of a roadmap of transformative projects | Key stakeholders were involved in co-creation sessions for the development of action roadmaps. However, there was a bias towards the need for public financial support. Actors found it difficult to think about collective efforts that did not depend on access to large amounts of public spending. | Pinto et al. ( |
Fig. 1.
Network structure in two priority areas (clothing and high-tech automotive components). ITEP, Pernambuco Institute of Technology; SECTI, Secretariat for Science, Technology, and Innovation at the Government of the Pernambuco State; UFPE, Federal University of Pernambuco; SEBRAE, Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service; Porto Digital, Porto Digital Technology Park. Node size indicates degree, and thickness of segments between nodes represent the number of reported collaborations."
Table 2
Contrasts of smart specialization strategy (S3) in developed and developing regions."
S3 characteristic | Developed regions | Developing regions |
Priority areas | Priority areas are understood as the directions for industrial transformation. | Priority areas are understood as sectors or clusters. |
Innovation model | Science, technology, and innovation are the main drivers of S3. | Doing-using-interacting also needs to considered as a main driver to innovation |
Governance | Governance is decentralized. Priority areas for niche-discovery and experimentation are co-created through public-private collaboration. The role of public authorities is to facilitate the process. | Governance is centralized. While public consultation processes may support public policy making, the top-down choice of domains for exploration and experimentation dominates. The role of public authorities may have to be driving the process. |
Actors | Involving actors from the quadruple helix. | Stronger role of public authorities, universities, and innovation intermediaries. |
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